Snowspeeder (Master Replicas redo)
This is a Master Replicas Snowspeeder, which was up-detailed and completely repainted. The replica dates back to 2005 or so, and was one of the projects I generated paint masters for, when I was a contractor with Master Replicas. It was a great thing to come full circle with the improved tools and skills i have now, but how quickly one can forget how challenging it is to work with polystone, a very heay and brittle material. The engine boxes were replaced to make way for “air brakes” and their inner bays, and the cockpit was gutted, with two figures added. Various other details were also upgraded and replaced, like the harpoon gun. The body sculpts and Wedge Antilles head sculpt were commissioned by a talented Z-Brush artist, and once again my friend Chris’ head makes an appearance as the harpoon gunner. Fun touches include the quilted canopy headliner, the hoses and wires that echo the 1:1 filming set, and the faux bubble wrap featured on the harnesses!