X-Wing Hero Red 5
Very rarely does this happen, where you can say “we did it” and mean it. But here we are, with an X-Wing that truly madly deeply reflects the Hero X-Wings that ILM made for Star Wars. Born from three years of hard work by myself and my friends Josh Maruska and André Bustanoby, as well as a few others, and born from a still-ongoing 1/12th scale X-Wing project, this could never ever have happened without the reference that was made available and ferreted out of closets and storage areas. I was given an original production made Hero shell, as well as a Pyro casting. Then just as this was nailed down and castings were being made for my builds, I was asked to restore the Pyro Master pattern, and it only helped reinforce our data. Incredible. I could talk for days and days about this model, and I have!
This is my best faith effort replicating and idealizing the hero Red 5 filiming miniature as built by ILM in 1976. The paint was refined and embellished somewhat, as were details, since this model needs to stand up to close scrutiny. There is a pretty sophisticated light system as well, where the colors and intensity of the leds mimic what was seen on screen.