ILM Dumpster (Van Nuys)
This is a 1/12th replica of the dumpster that was just outside the bay door on Valjean Ave in Van Nuys, California… when ILM was in full swing filming miniatures for Star Wars. Thanks to my friend Bill, I had a nice sharp photograph with the logo, which I recreated like a crazy person would do, in Illustrator. The dumpster itself was patterned and laser cut from acrylic, and the casters and some of the contents were 3D printed. Fun fact, the X-Wing hull “shards” are from direct 3D scans of my pyro shell casting! The “lumber” is balsa, the beer cans are 3D prints with paper labels, the model kit boxes and cardboard are printed on cardstock, and the Death Star tiles are 3D printed from a fan made file. Close enough, for what is a joke model 🙂