Bluth Family Staircar
This is a 1/25th model of the “first half of the first season accurate” Bluth Family Staircar, from the BELOVED show Arrested Development. I like this first rickety scrappy version of the prop used, though I did make a few concessions with the addition of Buster’s hook in the dash, which happened later to a different truck prop, and some blue paint as a shout out to Tobias. This one took… six years? On and off. Yeah… uh…. a slow burn. So much time elapsed in fact that I scrapped the first couple of years of scratch build work that I had done from time to time, in favor of the more exacting 3D printed parts I now have the prowess to design and manufacture. Massive shout outs to George Takacs for taking a thorough photo survey of a real Staircar on a tarmac that as a very similar model to the one on the show, and to John Roy and Andrew Deimel, the two unflappable cheerleaders for this project. There is a pretty accurate hydraulic system inside/under the stairs, and the model as designed theoretically could be made to work, though at 1/25th scale, the parts are a bit fiddly. So this is all glued into place. Any way I hope you enjoy. “Plate or platter?”